Reading about the horrors of hell makes me want to become a better person. If ever all that Dante Alighieri has written about is true, then that is certainly not the place I would want to end up in beyond this life. They say that ‘The Inferno’ is recommended for reading so that everyone would learn to fear hell, which is now lacking in the present days. In some times, after all, the only way to persuade people to do something else is to scare them. Fear certainly does positive or negative wonders to a person. Furthermore, what I really loved about reading this book is that Dante Alighieri portrays each and every sinner and his sin in a justifiable manner. It is reasonable in the way that, the wrongdoings of each sinner define his punishment. Even in a horrible place such as hell, the sinners learn their mistake—that even if they did learn their mistake, it is too late to change anything, too late to change the fact that they will spend the rest of their wretched lives in hell—and what is the worst of it all is that, they themselves made this choice, they themselves chose hell without anyone else leading them there.

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