Dante continues his journey through Hell and it definitely gets worse in every circle he enters. For instance, the fallen angels forbade Dante and Virgil to enter circle six. It makes everything more complicated that I somewhat felt hopeless while reading this part.Well, Hell is a place with no hope, love, happiness, and glory but rather a place full of misery, confusion, tears, and wrath. Every sinner in this circle deserves this punishment given to him. He chose to live his life in a way that he does not care about his actions. In circle four reside the sinners who did not give value to their money. On the other hand, those who are not forgiving and tend to hold their grudges reside in circle 5. Knowing that I may act this way at times makes me realize that I ought to be better and be more careful of my actions. 

With the help of the heavenly messenger, Dante and Virgil finally enter circle six which is the starting point of the lower hell. Heretics are part of this. Their lack of faith and their presumption cause them to be there and I feel that they rightfully belong. They had all the means to believe in God yet they chose to go against Him. So with this, I make sure that I will never lose my faith in Him and that I will always depend on Him for He is the only one who is capable of doing all good. All these show that if one is more against God, the greater the punishment he will have and the deeper pain, sadness, or fear he will feel. 

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