A Little Secret

Hi girls, I will let you in on a secret...
Much, if not everything, about The Inferno is already on the internet. Let's "stand on the shoulder of giants" and explore what experts have studied for centuries. Check out this website:

Dante Worlds

You may use this as a resource for your report and student-led discussions. It's pretty comprehensive.
Good luck for the reporting!


Lower and lower and lower

Dante`s chapters seem to be getting longer and more complex, in my opinion at least. I had to reread almost all the notes for these 6 cantos. Nevertheless, he does not fail to keep me afraid of the torment in Hell.

In Cantos 7-11, Dante and Virgil, together with the Poets, are descending to the Lower Hell. As they continue on, they encounter problems such as facing the Rebellious Angels and such. Virgil of course never fails to guide Dante and make sure he will make it through, even when they were going to call Medusa! How tragic that would be if his journey had to end with his death in the underworld because of Medusa`s eyes. Thank goodness the heavenly messenger finally came!

They finally enter Dis, the walled-city of Hell, where they find the murderers, suicides, usurers, heretics, seducers, blasphemers and so on, basically all the sinners of fraud and malice and violence and bestiality. I pictured Dis as a walled-city in flames (considering the extremely hot and red iron) with the inhabitants of those whom committed the most serious sins. In my head, its big and dark and red and even smoking. Dante continues to keep my eyes pasted on these pages and soon enough I will get to read his encounter with the evil one as he continues on his journey.
