First of all, great set! I expected something simpler, because someone (was it Camille?) had asked me during class if you could just have a simple set, so I pictured something rather drab. Totally the opposite! So kudos to the backdrop team! I also liked the bearing of the conspirators; the teacher beside me even commented that they really did look like kontrabidas, what with the dark suits and stern looks. Everyone’s acting was actually noteworthy and I quite cannot believe how you managed to memorize those lines. The audience loved your production (the room was getting stuffier and stuffier because people I didn’t invite were streaming in and it would have been rude to drive them out), and the comedy though unintentional, went natural.

Honestly, while I was reading your comments on the play this afternoon, I could not help but wish myself back in high school, having seen how your fellowship (which you must have built since pre-school) brought you through this project. Do treasure these last weeks, for this is but the only time you will ever be in high school, and college, though it will be fun, will be different. I hope this is not the last time you will meet Shakespeare, for there is much that the man had offered the world, and when you do meet him again, say a hello, tell him he was a part of your last days in high school, and that though producing his play in a week was ulcer-inducing, it had been worth your while.

Thank you, and see you in class! Congratulations!

- Ms. Arawiran

5 Responses so far.

  1. Unknown says:

    Aww, thank you Ms. Arawiran!!!

  2. Unknown says:

    Tears tears! Thank you Ms. Arawiran, that means a lot! :((

  3. Unknown says:

    Thank you Ms. Arawiran!! Thank you for being part of our last year as well!

  4. This is truly heart-warming, Miss! Thank you so much! We're very glad you enjoyed it!

  5. Unknown says:

    Thank you Ms. Arawiran for giving us precious time to meet the Shakespeare and good memory!

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