I used to think I wouldn't be happy if I didn't have a cool role in the play. I don't mean a BIG role or anything--at least just an interesting one. I was so used to being one of those characters and I absolutely loved that. I love acting. This year, however, I had to give up my role as Cassius because I lost my voice the previous weekend and although I got it back before the play, my throat still hurt. Eventually, I figured it would probably be safer to have someone else play Cassius just in case my voice would betray me on Friday. Without that role, I thought I'd get bored during our short time working on that play. However, even with my minor role as Decius, I still had a lot of fun because of the rest of the cast. I also had fun helping out with our beautiful backdrop. Also, thanks to our new modern take on the play, I've finally found ways to connect to Shakespeare. You see, I've always found Shakespeare strange, especially after reading Romeo and Juliet. I mean, honestly, that was ridiculous. However, this year, I've finally been able to see the genius that is Shakespeare, not only through the play we reenacted but also with the help of Ms. Arawiran who always finds a way to open my eyes and give me a new perspective. She surely did so regarding Shakespeare.

That was an insane time limit though. We hardly had time to work on both the play and the props. (We only had two real practices on the morning of the play itself.) Looking back on it, I realize now that, as a class, no matter what the challenges are, we always find a way to give a good show by cooperating and working as a team. This cooperation--this teamwork comes from years of experience and friendship. This bond which we've formed over the past eleven years has always given us strength to overcome each obstacle, to arise from each endeavor with flying colors. I guess that's how we have gotten through everything, and that's how we WILL finish the school year--together, hand in hand, supporting and cheering on one another as we have done thus far. I'm extremely proud to have been a part of this class, this batch. All I'm saying is that I love you guys and I hope this bond that we have stays strong even after high school ends. :)

One Response so far.

  1. Unknown says:

    I can feel your feels emanating through my screen, Dani.

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