After reading the chapters required, I grew horrified with the banished angels. Picturing them in my mind is just really scary and pitiful at the same time. It was scary or rather horrifying because they still posses that divine power which was given to them by God and which also adds to their ‘mean aura’. At the same time, I felt pitiful because they were made for such grater things. Pride led them to hell because they did not want to serve under the humans. However, if I was given that choice, I would rather be under the humans and serve them along with God because I know I’ll be happy still. Happy because I would have that power to lead or rather guide other people to the right path which is heaven.

When the two poets reached the entrance to the lower hell, I felt the chill down my spine. With how Dante described what is in the lower hell through Virgil, it seemed as if the sense of pity grew exhausted from all the cries of suffering from the souls below. It gave me that the idea of having separated the upper hell and lower hell is that being in the lower hell will rub the sin that the person committed here on earth in an extreme manner that would reach until eternity.  Being in that lower hell, the souls which are suffering greatly for all eternally  are being deprived of seeing that light that they once ignored. 

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