Hello, this is Ms. Arawiran speaking.

And this is our group blog. Everyone gets to post, everyone gets to read. Hopefully, posting your literary responses here will prepare you better for the class discussions. Reading your responses before I come to class will also help me know what you think, especially that during classes, there is never enough time to hear everyone out.

Literature is best experienced when it is shared. I am sure there had been times when you just finished reading a good book, and you want to shout out to the world how good it was! And is it not a great frustration to find no one to gush to about something wonderful, like a good book? This blog, will hopefully solve that.

I am of course not assuming that everything I will be assigning in class are rave-able, if there is such a word. Some things I will assign you are things you will have to plow through, but that's part of reading life. So just tell me what you think, and enjoy the literary ride :)

Here's to literature and books!

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